Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 4 Update


The difficultys I encountered where combining buildings together. The Pritmaking, and Emda class rooms are embeded together. And I ended up Boolean everydoor and wall that seperates the 2 of them. When I should of build the walls around them piece by piece.
I did however build the printmaking class piece by piece but I wasn't thinking ahead for the emda class. So the touble is that I need to think ahead of the building design of something before I build, so that I may not encounter any problems.
Mesuring is another big key point when building. I spend a lot of time in the channel editor in Maya. Its best to stay with 90 to 180 degree turns rather than 30.657 degrees. Other wise your building will begin to look "jaggered and rigady."
I need to learn how to get a good sense of the size of everything compared to each other. Like some hallways look bigger than they should from my reference pictures and some hallways seem to small. This brings up my point from weeks 3 update, its best to work from the inside out.
Other than that the rest of the building went fine.

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